AI Copilot for Work

Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot 

Copilot in Office 365

Copilot is an AI-powered assistant that helps you unlock productivity and uplevel skills in Microsoft 365 apps like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Teams

Copilot Writes for You

Copilot can generate first drafts of documents, emails and presentations based on natural language prompts, saving you hours of writing time. 

Improves Writing Style

Copilot can also give you feedback, suggestions and tips to improve your writing style, tone and clarity 

Copilot in Excel

Copilot can automate data analysis in Excel by creating charts, tables and summaries from your data with simple commands 

Copilot in PowerPoint

Copilot can help you create beautiful and expressive presentations in PowerPoint by adding relevant content, images and animations from your documents or the web 

Copilot in Email

Copilot can help you manage your inbox and calendar in Outlook by composing emails, scheduling meetings and sending reminders with natural language queries 

Copilot in Teams

Copilot can help you collaborate better in Teams by pulling relevant points from meeting transcripts, generating meeting summaries and action items, and creating polls and surveys 

Integrated with your Data

Copilot is integrated with your data in the Microsoft Graph, which means it can access your calendar, emails, chats, documents, meetings and contacts to generate personalized and relevant content for you. 

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