Why Elon Musk Wants to Pause AI Experiments Stronger Than GTP-4?


what's An Open Letter?

Elon Musk along with thousands of researchers from all over the world, signed an open letter asking to stop training AI systems. 


Which AI Systems?

They are asking to stop training AI systems that are more powerful than GPT-4.


What is the Reason?

AI (artificial intelligence) systems that are as smart as humans can be very dangerous to people and society. 


Who did the Research?

The Asilomar AI Principles say that this kind of AI could change the world in a big way, so we need to be careful and plan for it carefully 


How will it be managed?

As per an open letter, This pause should be public and verifiable, and include all key actors. If such a pause cannot be enacted quickly, governments should step in and institute a moratorium 


So ChatGPT will Stop?

Not yet, because even though this AI is amazing, it's also risky. That's why we need to regulate AI systems that are more powerful than ChatGPT 

Regrettably, the situation is not improving. Major technology companies such as Google, OpenAl, and Microsoft are in a race to create the most intelligent AI.

Insights Mix


Read the complete story about the Open Letter and the plans of Elon Musk and his team.

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