Why AI's 'Godfather' Geoffrey Hinton Quits Google?  

Is the danger of AI increasing? 


Who is AI's Godfather?

Geoffrey Hinton is recognized as one of the "godfathers" of AI due to his groundbreaking work on deep learning 


Why He Left Google?

Google's collaboration with the US military in 2018 led Geoffrey Hinton, one of the pioneers of AI, to quit his position of Vice President and Engineering Fellow at Google because of ethical concerns 


What are his fears?

Hinton's resignation was motivated by his fears that the lack of appropriate regulations and guardrails in AI development would lead to its unchecked advancement, as demonstrated by recent AI launches by Microsoft and Google.



Hinton has voiced concerns about the long-term threats of AI systems to humans, particularly if they are granted too much autonomy 



Hinton and his longtime collaborator, Yoshua Bengio, prioritize society's values, the importance of humans, and the dignity of all individuals 



Hinton's intuition-led breakthrough in 1986, "backpropagation," demonstrated how computer software could learn over time.


US Military

Google's collaboration with the US military in 2018 led Geoffrey Hinton, one of the pioneers of AI, to quit his position of Vice President and Engineering Fellow at Google because of ethical concerns 

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