What is ChatGPT and How it Works, May 2023

As I interacted with various non-technical individuals and users who aren’t particularly tech-savvy, it dawned on me that there’s a significant segment of the population that’s still unfamiliar with the ChatGPT AI tool.

These folks don’t know how to leverage the tool, let alone why it’s beneficial to them. It’s essential to bridge this knowledge gap and help these users understand the full potential of this powerful AI tool.

In this article, we’ll explore what ChatGPT is, how it works, and why you should consider using it in your business or personal life.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a chatbot developed by OpenAI that can understand what people say or write in a natural way, just like how we talk to each other. It can help you find information, answer questions, and even have conversations with you.

It can be useful in many different areas, like in schools, hospitals, or companies. For example, if you’re a student, ChatGPT can help you find answers to your questions related to Maths, Science, History, Economics, Geography etc quickly.

If you work in a hospital, ChatGPT can help with diagnosing and treating patients. And if you work in customer service, ChatGPT can help you answer customer questions in a tone that can convert customers into loyal ones.

Using ChatGPT is easy! You can talk to it using a chat interface or through your voice, and it
will respond to you in real time.

How ChatGPT works?

ChatGPT AI Tool uses a powerful Artificial Intelligence model called GPT-3.5 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) which was trained on a vast dataset of over 45 terabytes of text data from different sources such as books, websites, and other online content. The model has a whopping 175 billion parameters that allow it to understand and generate human-like responses to user input.

Moreover, OpenAI has recently released GPT-4, which is even more powerful than GPT-3. With a staggering 1.8 trillion parameters, GPT-4 is the most robust language model to date and is available to use in the paid version of ChatGPT which cost $20/month.

OpenAI’s GPT-4

What is the Parameter and how it allows ChatGPT to answer in human-like language and tone?

A parameter is a variable that is adjusted during the training of a language model. During training, the model is exposed to a massive amount of text data and learns patterns and relationships within language. It uses these patterns to adjust its parameters, which are numerical values that help the model generate accurate and natural-sounding responses to user input.

Think of it like a student studying for a test. The student is exposed to a large amount of information, just like a language model is exposed to a large amount of text data. The student learns patterns and relationships within the information, just like a language model learns patterns and relationships within language. The student uses this knowledge to answer questions on the test, just like a language model uses its parameters to generate responses to user input.

So, while the amount of text data used to train a language model is certainly important, the parameters are the variables that the model adjusts during training to become better at generating accurate and natural-sounding language.

Hope this helps clarify how ChatGPT actually works!

Find Out: Google has introduced a new AI language model called Bard, which competes with ChatGPT.

How to use ChatGPT?

You might be wondering how ChatGPT can be useful in your daily work and how it can speed up your tasks.

Well, whether you’re a writer, researcher, marketer, customer service representative, social media manager, data analyst, educator, consultant, lawyer, or any other type of professional, ChatGPT can be a valuable tool to help streamline your work, save time, increase productivity and generate new ideas.

To get started with ChatGPT, follow these steps to open an account on openai.com (the parent company of ChatGPT):

  • Visit OpenAI’s website
  • Enter your personal email id, mobile number and strong password
  • Register and verify your account to complete the process.
  • Click on the link to access the ChatGPT AI chatbot.
  • Now, you can interact with the chatbot with your own Prompts.

Wait, wait, did you notice the word “Prompt“?

So what is Prompt? Heard it for the first time? No worries, let me explain it to you.

In simple words, a prompt is a question or a statement that you provide to an AI language model like ChatGPT to help it understand what kind of information or response you are looking for. Think of it like a conversation starter that sets the direction of the conversation. When you give a prompt to an AI language model, it uses its vast knowledge and understanding of language to generate a response based on the prompt given.

Find out: What are the Features of ChatGPT?

Let’s check out some examples:

1. Ask ChatGPT to write an article for you:

Prompt: “Write a 1000-word blog article about [subject] in [Funny/Expert/Surprising] tone and include the following keywords in the title, subheading, and body.” Now, list the keywords you want ChatGPT to include in your article.

Don’t worry if the first draft isn’t quite right, ChatGPT can quickly and easily rephrase it based on your feedback until it’s perfect

Review & Refine: if you don’t like the article then you can just ask to rephrase it in another tone or try to give more details. The more you ask to rephrase it with better details the better your article gets.

2. Get a professional answer to Negative Customer Reviews of your Product:

Prompt: Provide a response to a customer who has left negative feedback on our product. The response should address their concerns and offer a solution. Use a professional and empathetic tone.

Here is the customer’s feedback “I bought this product hoping it would solve my problem, but unfortunately it didn’t work as advertised. The instructions were unclear and confusing, and when I reached out to customer support for help, I was met with unhelpful and dismissive responses. Overall, I’m very disappointed with my experience and would not recommend this product to others.

ChatGPT Output

3. Ask ChatGPT to write a series of Tweets (or any other social media) on a particular topic:

Prompt: Generate a Twitter thread about [Subject].

ChatGPT Output

4. Ask ChatGPT to analyse the given data and explain it in the story:

Prompt: “Please provide an analysis of the website traffic data outlined in the table below, and outline any notable trends or changes in traffic during this period. Additionally, provide a summary of any significant findings or insights from this data, and suggest any recommendations for improving website traffic based on the analysis.”

And here’s the table:

Website Traffic Data

ChatGPT’s Analysis:

ChatGPT Output

You can use ChatGPT to get personalized answers related to your data by customizing the prompts according to your needs.

Additionally, ChatGPT can assist you in standing out by providing insights into various digital marketing fields such as:

  • Marketing
  • Business
  • Content Creation and Social Media
  • Analytics
  • Email Campaigns
  • Making a Resume or Job Description
  • E-Commerce Product Write-up
  • Customer Service
  • Sales Pitch
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Branding
  • Video Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Web Design and Development
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Just customize your prompt according to your specific needs, and ChatGPT will provide you with expert advice and insights to help you improve your digital marketing strategies.

1 thought on “What is ChatGPT and How it Works, May 2023”

  1. Great article on ChatGPT and how it works! The detailed explanation made the topic easier to understand even for those who are not familiar with AI technology. It is fascinating to see the conversational capabilities of ChatGPT, which is changing the way we interact with technology. Thanks for sharing this informative article. -Alex Cool


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