Is ChatGPT Plagiarism Free?

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Definitely No, if you're not using it as mentioned below.

ChatGPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer) language model which was developed by OpenAI is not a chatbot and does not produce original content on its own. However, with unique inputs and keywords, it can create unique content.

How ChatGPT works? (In Easy Words)

It is computer program that can write sentences that sound like a human wrote them. It was made by a company called OpenAI. It works by reading a lot of different texts and learning about how words are used and what words usually come next. Then, when you give it a sentence or a prompt, it can use what it learned to write a sentence that follows naturally from what you gave it.

Here are some real-life examples of how ChatGPT might be used:

  • A teacher might use ChatGPT to help them write a lesson plan for their students. The teacher might give GPT some information about what they want to teach, and GPT could use that information to write a list of activities or questions that the students could do to learn more about the topic.
  • A writer might use GPT to help them come up with ideas for a story. The writer might give GPT a few details about the characters and setting, and GPT could use those details to generate some plot ideas or suggestions for what might happen in the story.
  • A user might use GPT to help them write a letter to a friend. They might give GPT a few sentences about what they’ve been up to lately, and GPT could use that information to write a paragraph or two about what the person has been doing and how they’re feeling.

It’s important to remember that ChatGPT is not a real person, and it cant think or have its own ideas. It can only write sentences based on the information you give it. So, it’s not okay to use ChatGPT to write things that you’re going to pretend are your own ideas. That would be called plagiarism, and it’s not fair to the people who actually came up with the ideas.

If you use ChatGPT to write something, you should always make sure to give credit to the people who wrote the texts that GPT learned from.

Is there a free website to check for plagiarism?

Yes, there are many but our favorite is Grammarly plagiarism checker tool. It is most trusted and used by academics.

Grammarly’s plagiarism checker has the ability to detect copied material from billions of web pages and ProQuest’s academic databases. With a free account, you can use the plagiarism checker to see if your text contains any duplicate content. The premium account offers additional features, such as highlighting passages that need citations and providing the necessary resources to properly credit your sources.

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