All About Google’s Stressful AI Bard

Google has recently launched early access to its highly anticipated Generative AI chatbot, Bard, which is currently available for limited users. Users in the US and UK can join the waitlist and experiment with it in US English, while other users will have to wait a little longer.

After announcing it in early February 2023 and facing a major setback due to a wrong answer, losing almost $100 Billion in market value, Google has finally launched its Chatbot AI Tool based on LaMDA.

You can use Bard to boost your productivity, accelerate your ideas and fuel your curiosity. You might ask Bard to give you tips to reach your goal of reading more books this year, explain quantum physics in simple terms or spark your creativity by outlining a blog post. We’ve learned a lot so far by testing Bard, and the next critical step in improving it is to get feedback from more people.

Sissie Hsiao (VP, Product) and Eli Collins (VP, Research)

What is Google Bard?

Google’s Bard Generative AI is the latest addition to the search engine giant’s arsenal of Al-powered tools. Based on a lighter and optimized version of LaMDA, Bard boasts lightning-fast processing speeds and enhanced efficiency, allowing it to generate responses to user queries in record time.

Okay, What is LaMDA? Let’s quickly find out.

LaMDA – short for “Language Model for Dialogue Applications”, is a conversational artificial intelligence system that can converse with humans about any topic. It is based on a neural network architecture called Transformer that can generate natural language responses. It was released by Google in 2021 and is the technology behind Bard.

Learn more about – Rise of Large Language Models

Why Google is feeling stressed about Bard?

According to a recent blog post by Google, Bard is still in the experimental phase, with updates and new capabilities being rolled out gradually over time. Despite its impressive capabilities, Bard recently suffered a major setback during an event that caused Google to issue a warning that the tool may not always be accurate or reliable.

As per a CNBC report, Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai wrote in an email to internal employees “As more people start to use Bard and test its capabilities, they’ll surprise us. Things will go wrong. But the user feedback is critical to improving the product and the underlying technology.”

Google Bard Competition with ChatGPT

One feature that sets Bard apart from ChatGPT is its ability to provide multiple drafts for a single query. However, Google cautions that these drafts may display inaccurate or offensive information that does not represent the company’s views. Nonetheless, the tech giant remains committed to improving Bard through feedback from both experts and users, ensuring that the AI tool becomes more reliable and accurate over time.

Bard, ChatGPT, and Bing Chat are all Generative AI chatbots that can understand and respond to users’ queries using natural language. However, they have some differences:

  • Bard uses Google’s LaMDA technology to generate responses and provides users with several drafts to choose from, making it easier to get a personalized response.
  • ChatGPT and Bing Chat, on the other hand, use OpenAl’s GPT language model and provide only one response at a time.
  • Bard is designed to work with Google Search and includes a “Google it” button for some queries, which ChatGPT and Bing Chat do not have.
  • Bard is currently in a limited beta testing phase, while ChatGPT is accessible through various platforms and Bing Chat is integrated into Microsoft’s Bing search engine and Duolingo Educational App.

Below are a few responses from Bard AI:

Read More: How to use ChatGPT?

How do I get access to Google Bard?

You will need a Google account to access and try that at It is currently available for U.S. and U.K. users and soon it will be rolled out to more countries and languages.

Join the waitlist before you can start using it. How to join the waitlist.

What is the use of Google Bard?

Google Bard is a Generative AI chatbot built on LaMDA LLM and like ChatGPT you can use it for generating the content, ad copy, social media posts, and solving coding problems if you’re a developer then you can use it for building powerful AI-powered apps.

Unlike ChatGPT, Google Bard can give results far better as Google has a lot more access to user search data than any other Tech Giant.

What is the use of Bard AI in Google?

As GPT4-powered Bing Chat can be seen in the Edge browser side by side and users can access it for complex queries, most probably Google will also incorporate Bard AI in search results by providing a new way of interacting with information on the web. This will help users with creative tasks, and explain complex topics using natural language processing and machine learning.

How do I access Google LaMDA?

Google LaMDA is not open to the public yet, but Google has launched the LaMDA-powered AI tool Bard experiment for some users.

Is Google Bard up and running?

Yes, it is up and running in experiment mode for UK and US countries and to access it, you need to join the waitlist at and sign in with a personal Google account. Once you have access, you can enter a question or search term into the search box and wait for a response.

Why is Google AI called Bard? or What is the full form of?

There is no official explanation from Google why it chose the name Bard for the AI tool. However, some possible reasons because it is sounded catchy and the word means a poet or storyteller, which aligns with the chatbot’s capacity to generate creative and engaging responses using natural language processing and machine learning.

What is Generative AI ChatBot?

Generally, generative AI Chatbots are powered by advanced machine learning algorithms that can create new content from scratch. Unlike traditional chatbots that rely on predefined rules or scripts, generative AI chatbots can learn from large amounts of data and generate original and relevant responses to any query.

This makes them more flexible, creative, and engaging than ever before. Generative AI chatbots are transforming the way we interact with technology and opening up new possibilities for entertainment, education, and communication.

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